In villages mostly women are into agriculture and household work because of which they take least interest in consuming healthy food. To address health issues in villages Finar Foundation has initiated a program called “Niramay”. In association with Family Planning Association, Ahmadabad, Finar Foundation arranges Health Awareness Sessions for women and adolescent girls and Niramay Camp is also arranged to measure Hemoglobin level and identify Blood Group which is not known to the villagers.
The first Niramay camp was arranged at Khicha village of Sanand Taluka in which total 46 (adolescent girls and women) beneficiaries opted for the test out of which only two women had hemoglobin level more than 12. All other beneficiaries had very low count of hemoglobin i.e. 6.5, 7,8 etc… Finar Foundation will surely support these people for further treatment required to improve their level of hemoglobin.