To improve health, mental strength and physical strength by practicing Yoga, the team of Finar Foundation planned to celebrate International Yoga Day on 21st June 2018 at Changodar pay-center School and Modasar pay-center school. Around 1000 students and teachers participated in the celebration.
Educational Tour
Finar Foundation organizes “Educational Tour” at Science City Ahmadabad, Vikram Sarabhai Community Science Center, ISRO, Ahmadabad Management Association, Khoj Museum and many more..
Science Fair
Science Fair – 2018 Finar Foundation arranged two celebrations in accordance to “National Science Day” at Chanakya Primary School, Ghatlodia, Ahmedabad. Six Government Primary Schools and SciKnowTech Academy participated in the event. On first day different science based competitions such as drawing competition, skit, quiz, photography, fancy dress and model rocketry workshop was arranged. On second day students presented science …
Responsible Citizenship enjoyed, faclicitated by hon’ble Governor

Learning with Fun, Wah Taj

Supporting Education, Offering Tools (Laptops)

FINAR promoting Child Rights with Ganatar

An Honest Effort